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How do I put GIS points (.shp format) on a GIS map?

I have been having a problem for two days now. When I want to extract a QGIS layer in the format (.shp) to AnyLogic, the polygon layer works, the line layer works.

However, the layer of my points does not work. I paid attention to my projection (WGS 84), and when I add my points in the "shapefiles" section it is not displayed.

If anyone could help me.


  • Right click on your GISMap in the editor, then select Convert Shapefile to Space Markup. A popup window will open which will allow you to select the shapefile with your points. Then, in the Convert to: dropdown menu, select GIS Markup. Make sure Convert Points is true, then hit OK. This will add a GIS Point to your map for each of the points in your shapefile.

    Popup Window

    Points Added