I have 2 csv files. One dataset, df1, with a single column that looks like this
0 12132182
1 12134086
2 12203676
3 12131211
4 12129534
And another, df2, with many columns but the relevant columns are
` deviceNames macAddress
0 12080084 001350050039517e
1 12080085 001350050039448c
2 12080086 00135005003954c9
3 12080087 00135005003943bc
4 12080088 0013500500394ff5
... ... ...
107549 C0524751 0013500500EA4DEB
107550 NaN NaN
107551 NaN NaN
107552 NaN NaN
107553 C0591266 00135005010FB39D`
What I want is to bring over the mac address information from df2 to df1 based on the device names in df1
So I want the output to look like this
deviceNames macAddress
0 12132182 0013500124039517e
1 12134086 0013501340039448c
2 12203676 001350440031954c9
3 12131211 0013503300w3943bc
4 12129534 00135032500394ff5
s = (df2.loc[df2.deviceNames.isin(df1.deviceNames.values.tolist())]
df1['newcolumn'] = df1['newcolumn'].map(s)
What you are looking for is merge
but your expected output doesn't match your two input dataframes so maybe I'm wrong:
out = df1.astype({'deviceNames': str}).merge(df2, on='deviceNames', how='left')