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Is it possible to collect audio data then publish audio data every 0.5 second?

Is it possible to collect audio data then publish audio data every 0.5 second?

I am using Go RTMP Server with this package and it works well.

inside of function OnAudio(): this is function that processing of audio data, it receives data from OBS and DecodeAudioData and Publish to vlc player

this is original code of OnAudio()

func (h *Handler) OnAudio(timestamp uint32, payload io.Reader) error {
    var audio flvtag.AudioData
    if err := flvtag.DecodeAudioData(payload, &audio); err != nil {
        return err

    flvBody := new(bytes.Buffer)
    if _, err := io.Copy(flvBody, audio.Data); err != nil {
        return err
    audio.Data = flvBody
    _ ={
        TagType:   flvtag.TagTypeAudio,
        Timestamp: timestamp,
        Data:      &audio,

    return nil

this code receives audio data every 0.02 second and publish it. I want to chage the code that colelct audio data until 0.5 second and publish audio data so trying like this ...

func (h *Handler) OnAudio(timestamp uint32, payload io.Reader) error {

    var audio flvtag.AudioData
    if err := flvtag.DecodeAudioData(payload, &audio); err != nil {
        return err
       // if flag == true, startTimeStamp Control
    if h.Flag == true {
        h.startTimeStamp = timestamp
    h.Flag = false

    buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
    if _, err := io.Copy(buf, audio.Data); err != nil {
        return err

    if audio.AACPacketType == 0 {
        audio.Data = buf
        tag := &flvtag.FlvTag{
            TagType:   flvtag.TagTypeAudio,
            Timestamp: h.startTimeStamp,
            Data:      &audio,
        timestamp, (timestamp - h.startTimeStamp), buf.Len())
        _ =
        h.Flag = true
        return nil


        // collect audio data into h.Buf and then publish every 0.5 seconds
    if timestamp-h.startTimeStamp >= 500 {
        h.lastTimeStamp = timestamp
        audio.Data = h.Buf
        tag := &flvtag.FlvTag{
            TagType:   flvtag.TagTypeAudio,
            Timestamp: h.startTimeStamp,
            Data:      &audio,

        _ =
        h.Flag = true

    return nil

when I check the audio data size There is no Data loss but audio datas are breaking out. Is there any problem with my code?


  • I applied your change to the official server_relay_demo (see this commit). Then built and run this demo:

    go build -v -o server_relay_demo .

    Then I downloaded, and publish it with ffmpeg:

    ffmpeg -re -stream_loop -1 -i ForBiggerBlazes.mp4 -acodec copy -vcodec copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/appname/stream

    And finally play it with vlc:

    $ vlc rtmp://localhost/appname/stream
    VLC media player 3.0.18 Vetinari (revision 3.0.18-0-ge9eceaed4d)
    [000055c1cc8f3b10] main libvlc: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.
    Qt: Session management error: Could not open network socket
    [tcp @ 0x7f84280045c0] RTMP packet size mismatch 14272640 != 5642

    It failed to play with this error: RTMP packet size mismatch 14272640 != 5642.

    Then I replaced h.startTimeStamp with timestamp (see this commit):

    tag := &flvtag.FlvTag{
        TagType:   flvtag.TagTypeAudio,
        Timestamp: h.startTimeStamp,
        Data:      &audio,

    It works with this change. Though the audio and the video are out of sync.

    Please try this solution. If it still does not work, please provide a demo and a detail step by step guide to reproduce the issue.