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Checking if someone has a role in DiscordJS is not working

I have a embed with buttons and I want to check if someone has a role.

case "lock":
    if(! => === docs.Handlers))
        return interaction.reply({content: "You don't have the permissions for that", ephemeral: true});

    if(data.Locked == true)
        return interaction.reply({content: "Ticket is already locked.", ephemeral: true});
    await ticketSchema.updateOne({ChannelID:}, {Locked: true});
    embed.setDescription("The ticket has been locked successfully!");

    data.MembersID.forEach((m) => {
        channel.permissionOverwrites.edit(m, {SendMessages: false});

    return interaction.reply({embeds: [embed]});

The first IF is what bothers me.

Here is the "docs" variable.

const docs = await TicketSetup.findOne({GuildID:});

And the TicketSetup part: Handlers: String,

I have a separate command that is used to set the Handlers as a role in the server.

.addRoleOption(option =>
    .setDescription("Select the ticket handlers role.")
const handlers = options.getRole("handlers");

I want to make that if someone doesn't have a docs.Handlers role it says "You don't have a perm...", but if someone does have it, it should work for him. I'm guessing that I'm not using the if statement correctly but I can't fix it.


  • As per the discord.js docs, is:

    The client user as a GuildMember of this guild

    This means that you're checking your bot's own permisisons instead of the user's.

    In order to check the user's permissions, you'll want to use interaction.member:

    if(!interaction.member.roles.cache.some((r) => === docs.Handlers))

    If this fails, the member might not be in cache, and you'll need to fetch it first.

    Aditionally, as @Jiralite mentioned in the comments, you can use .has(), which will do the same thing as .some((r) => === docs.Handlers):
