I am trying to take a command line input for testing. Instead of returning the input as a string, python fixture is returning a function object
My contest.py file has this code:
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption('--n', action='store', default='mark', help='user name')
parser.addoption('--pwd', action='store', default='pwd', help='password')
def get_name(request) -> str:
return request.config.getoption('--n')
def get_pwd(request) -> str:
return request.config.getoption('--pwd')
and my example test is:
def test_names():
assert get_name == 'mark'
def test_pwd():
assert get_pwd == 'p'
The return is an error and when I try to print get_pwd
and get_name
, it prints:
<function get_name at 0x7f8431fcdc10> <function get_pwd at 0x7f8431fcda60>
I have used same code before and it has returned the input value but here it is returning function object.
my command line input is:
pytest -s test.py --n=mark --pwd=p
How can I get it to return the command line input instead of the function object?
You need to give the fixture
as a test parameter
def test_names(get_name):
assert get_name == 'mark'
def test_pwd(get_pwd):
assert get_pwd == 'p'
test.py::test_names PASSED [ 50%]mark
test.py::test_pwd PASSED [100%]p