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Automate way to link many files and directories in csproj

I have a .csproj file in Visual Studio 2022, and I have another directory (Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src) in the parent of this project with the below structure:

cd D:\Source\Repos\soroshsabz\visualstudio-ansible\Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src


Directory: D:\Source\Repos\soroshsabz\visualstudio-ansible\Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src

Mode            LastWriteTime    Length Name
----            -------------    ------ ----
d-----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM           interfaces
d-----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM           providers
d-----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM           services
d-----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM           utils
-a----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM       797 ansibleLanguageService.d.ts
-a----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM     13585 ansibleLanguageService.js
-a----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM      8444
-a----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM        11 server.d.ts
-a----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM      2032 server.js
-a----    3/26/2023  11:52 PM      1234

I want to add all of files and folders with a link in my .csproj file, I can do that with a manual approach like below (I write two of files as example):

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


    <Content Include="SpawnServer.js">

    <PackageReference Include="JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core" Version="3.19.0" />
    <PackageReference Include="JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Jurassic" Version="3.20.5" />
    <PackageReference Include="JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Node" Version="3.19.0" />

        <Content Include="..\..\Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src\server.js">
        <Content Include="..\..\Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src\ansibleLanguageService.js">


But I want a concise and smarter approach to link all of files and folders, any suggestion welcome. (Note: If the suggested approach can track all changes in Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src automatically, I am very happy. For example, when added new files or folder in that directory, I want to do not need any changes in the .csproj file to link the new files and folders)


  • You are almost there. Just two changes are necessary:

    1. use a glob in the Include
    2. use LinkBase to set a parent directory for the files resolved from the glob.

    It could look like this:

        <!-- everything else -->
            <Content Include="..\..\Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src\**\*">

    Or in short, using attributes instead of elements:

    <Content Include="..\..\Dependency\ansible-language-server\out\server\src\**\*" LinkBase="ansible-language-server" CopyToOutputDirectory="PreserveNewest" />

    (I am not sure about IncludeInVSIX).

    The glob is resolved everytime you build, i.e., new files are automatically picked up.