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Convert lines of values in text file to a CSV

Here is my data from a text file:

foo no 3.61 9.51
bar -26 67 2.35 0.50 70
baz dxo 6 2.37
quez -9.07 51
udx 9.66 9.66
scz -8
pdu hk 0.50 -5.34 -13 0.50
ytrs bl 1.27 -63 -0.66
xle 29 1.27 -8.19
drl -9.68 8.84 -29 -13 -86
kos -5.34 51 91
wen di 9.84 -2.35 88

and I need to output dataframe like this: enter image description here


  • Michael M.'s answer is very good, however the question also allows for spaces in the first column. This is a slight modification to that to demonstrate the principle

    # Get each line from the file and split it by spaces
    lines = []
    for line in open('test.txt'):
        # Get index of first character not in lowercase alphabet or a space
        # Store in variable i
        i = 0
        while line[i] in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ':
            i += 1
        # add list containing line up to i and
        # the numbers that have been split from the line after i
        lines.append([line[:i-1]] + line[i:].split(' '))
    # Write the resulting data to a .csv file
    # Copied from Michael's answer
    with open('test.csv', 'w') as f:
        f.write(',' + ','.join(f'col_{i}' for i in range(1, len(max(lines, key=len)))) + '\n')
        f.writelines(','.join(line) for line in lines)