I am building a webservice using AWS CDK. I would like to have all endpoints require an api key to allow a connection.
Currently I set up my webservice like so:
// Define the API Gateway
const api = new apigw.RestApi(scope, 'MyApiGateway', {
defaultCorsPreflightOptions: {
allowOrigins: apigw.Cors.ALL_ORIGINS,
allowMethods: apigw.Cors.ALL_METHODS, // this is also the default
const apiKeyName = 'myKeyName';
const apiKey = new apigw.ApiKey(scope, 'api-key', {
enabled: true
// define the usage plan
const usagePlan = api.addUsagePlan('UsagePlan', {
name: 'UsagePlan',
throttle: {
rateLimit: 100,
burstLimit: 200,
// add the API key to the usage plan
resource.addMethod(method, integration, {
apiKeyRequired: true,
requestParameters: {
'method.request.header.x-api-key': true,
From the console, I can see the following:
However the usage plan says there are "no associated stages", and when I actually try to call this API, passing the key either as a query parameter, or via the header, the request fails with error code 403/Forbidden.
How can I make this work?
You almost have it. You're missing the part where you attach a usage plan to a stage. Here's the documentation for it https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/v1/docs/@aws-cdk_aws-apigateway.UsagePlan.html#addwbrapiwbrstageapistage.
Example below:
usagePlan.addApiStage({ stage: api.deploymentStage })