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How to make Drag and Drop work Horizontally?

I'm trying to get Drag and Drop to work correctly

But in the image gallery, it only changes the position of the photo when dragging it under the other image

As if it only works vertically


Javascript Vanilla

const enableDragSort = className => {
    // Gets all child elements of the .gallery or .datasheet class

const enableDragList = className => {
    // For each child of the class, add the draggable attribute

const enableDragItem = item => {
    item.setAttribute('draggable', true);
    item.ondrag = handleDrag;
    item.ondragend = handleDrop;

const handleDrag = event => {
    const item ='[draggable]');

    // .gallery or .datasheet
    const className = item.parentElement;

    const x = event.clientX;
    const y = event.clientY;

    let swap = document.elementFromPoint(x, y) ?? item;

    if (className === swap.parentElement) {
        swap = (swap !== item.nextSibling) ? swap : swap.nextSibling;

        className.insertBefore(item, swap);

const handleDrop = ({ target }) => {
    const item = target.closest('[draggable]');

// Drag Drop
enableDragSort('gallery'); // It does not work properly
enableDragSort('datasheet'); // It works


  • The problem is that you are adding attribute draggable to div wrapper, not the image itself. That means you need to drag over the div to make it work.

    The quickest solution I come up is adding property pointer-events: none; to .picture img styles.

    .picture img {
        min-width: 100px;
        height: 125px;
        object-fit: contain;
        border: 5px solid transparent;
        pointer-events: none; // add this line

    What it does, (in short) it makes the img "transparent" for the mouse events.