Is there a way of returning nothing (not even null) with a non-void method if a certain condition is not met, but return something of the method type (like "int" if method is "int") if that condition is met?
Now that I have seen the comments, I had read about Optional class but couldn't figure it out. So if I have something like an ArrayList method, how'd I do it?
static ArrayList<String> method() {
if (true) {
return ArrayList; }
else {
? } //(equivalent of return nothing, not even null)
So it'd be something like this, but can you help with exact syntax?:
static Optional method() {
if (true) {
return ArrayList<String>; }
else {
Optional.empty() } //(equivalent of return nothing, not even null)
Okay, there was a comment below, let me post my recursive function. What I want here is in the first if statement, there is a print and a return statement. But at the end of the function there is a necessary return null and thus the function returns null. I want function to return what it prints, i.e. indices, so I can use it as an input somewhere else.
static ArrayList<String> connectionFinder(String linInit, String linFin, ArrayList<String> indices, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> linArray) {
if (linInit.equals(linFin)) { //returns the indices list if linInit reaches linFin
return indices;
for (int i = 0; i < linArray.size(); i++) {
if (linArray.get(i).contains(linInit) && !indices.contains(i)) { //checks which stations are exchange stations for linInit, and checks the index to prevent infinite recursion
for (int j = 1; j < linArray.get(i).size(); j++) {
if (!linArray.get(i).get(j).equals(linInit)) { //j starts from 1 so as to avoid the station name, and checks if the linInit is different to prevent infinite recursion
connectionFinder(linArray.get(i).get(j), linFin, add(indices, i), linArray); //changes the linInit, and adds the index ( add(ArrayList,value) is a custom method that returns the ArrayList instead of a boolean -ArrayList.add(value) returns a boolean-)
return null;
I would write a separate function:
public static ArrayList<String> connectionFinder(String linInit, String linFin, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> linArray) {
ArrayList<String> indices = new ArrayList<>();
connectionFinder(linInit, linFin, indices, linArray);
return indices;
And your function, now as a void:
private static void connectionFinder(String linInit, String linFin, ArrayList<String> indices, ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> linArray) {
if (linInit.equals(linFin)) {
for (int i = 0; i < linArray.size(); i++) {
// Loop omitted for clarity