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How to support multiple Gesture recgonize in flutter

I want to do a record button that looks like WhatsApp which long presses it starts recording then if I swipe up it does an action if I swipe left it does another action. I do the first thing that I long press and start recording but i don't know to how to detect swipe left or up while I still long press


  •             GestureDetector(
                  onVerticalDragUpdate: (drag) {
                    int sensitivity = 8;
                    // you can change sensitivity to what you require
                    if ( > sensitivity) {
                      // call your record function
                      print('Recording in progress');
                    } else if ( < -sensitivity) {
                      // in case you ever want to detect swipe down
                  child: const CircleAvatar(
                      child: Icon(
                        color: Colors.white,