I want to create quiz class with mutable variable.
So I use @unfreezed and this class also have json serializable.
so I have an error: Context: Field isn't final, but constructor is 'const'.
Because @unfreezed gen non final field, so auto generate file gen const constructor.
=> error
How to fix it?
Thank so much.
This is my class
class Quiz with _$Quiz {
const factory Quiz({
@JsonKey(name: 'title') @Default(null) String? title,
@JsonKey(name: 'categories') @Default(null) String? categories,
@JsonKey(name: 'questions') @Default([]) List<Question> questions,
}) = _Quiz;
factory Quiz.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) => _$QuizFromJson(json);
To fix the error, you can remove the const
keyword from the constructor.