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Parallel computation of values for `ndarray` `Array2<f64>` in Rust

I am trying to speed up my calculations and I am not sure, how to best use .into_par_iter() or some of the Zip:: options from the ndarray crate in order to "correctly" parallelize the computation to speed up things.

I have tried 2 ways, but I think due to my understanding of Mutex the whole Array gets "locked", which just creates more overhead and the calculations are slower than before.

  1. example:
//* Step 2.1: Calculate the overlap matrix S
let S_matr_tmp = Array2::<f64>::zeros((n, n));
let S_matr_mutex = Mutex::new(S_matr_tmp);

(0..n).into_par_iter().for_each(|i| {
    (0..=i).into_par_iter().for_each(|j| {
        let mut s = S_matr_mutex.lock().unwrap();
        if i == j {
            s[(i, j)] = 1.0;
            // s = 1.0;
        } else {
            s[(i, j)] = calc_overlap_int_cgto(
            s[(j, i)] = s[(i, j)];

self.mol.wfn_total.HF_Matrices.S_matr = S_matr_mutex.into_inner().unwrap();
  1. example:
let D_matr_mutex = Mutex::new(Array2::<f64>::zeros((no_cgtos, no_cgtos)));

//* D^0 matrix */
//* Trying to parallelize it */
Zip::indexed(C_matr_AO_basis.axis_iter(Axis(0))).par_for_each(|mu, row1| {
    Zip::indexed(C_matr_AO_basis.outer_iter()).par_for_each(|nu, row2| {
        let mut d = D_matr_mutex.lock().unwrap();
        let slice1 = row1.slice(s![..no_occ_orb]);
        let slice2 = row2.slice(s![..no_occ_orb]);
        d[(mu, nu)] =;

let mut D_matr = D_matr_mutex.into_inner().unwrap();
  1. example (most important code to parallelize):
let F_matr_mutex = Mutex::new(F_matr);

(0..no_cgtos).into_par_iter().for_each(|mu| {
    (0..no_cgtos).into_par_iter().for_each(|nu| {
        (0..no_cgtos).into_par_iter().for_each(|lambda| {
            (0..no_cgtos).into_par_iter().for_each(|sigma| {
                let mu_nu_lambda_sigma =
                    calc_ijkl_idx(mu + 1, nu + 1, lambda + 1, sigma + 1);
                let mu_lambda_nu_sigma =
                    calc_ijkl_idx(mu + 1, lambda + 1, nu + 1, sigma + 1);
                let mut f = F_matr_mutex.lock().unwrap();
                f[(mu, nu)] += D_matr[(lambda, sigma)]
                    * (2.0
                        * self.mol.wfn_total.HF_Matrices.ERI_arr1[mu_nu_lambda_sigma]
                        - self.mol.wfn_total.HF_Matrices.ERI_arr1[mu_lambda_nu_sigma]);

let F_matr = F_matr_mutex.into_inner().unwrap();

Any help on how to parallelize the code "correctly" and more information on how to use Mutex better would be appreciated.


  • Thanks to @adamreichold I was able to understand more about my problem and then "correctly" parallelized my code which led to a noticable speed-up of my calculations.

    Now to the explaination:

    1. My problem was, that I was trying to figure out a way to parallelize the for loops "as is".
    2. ndarray can be used in the "classical" way with for loops, but seems to be more efficient in the functional programming way, in the sense that you are apply e.g. a for_each directly on a object instead of looping with indices and then accessing fields with the indices.
    3. Functional seemed the way to go; including the correct usage of Zip:: methods.

    'Better' verison for example 1:

    //* New version: par_for_each and indexed */
    self.mol.wfn_total.HF_Matrices.S_matr = Array2::<f64>::zeros((n, n));
    Zip::indexed(&mut self.mol.wfn_total.HF_Matrices.S_matr).par_for_each(|(i, j), s_val| {
        if i == j {
            *s_val = 1.0;
        } else if i >= j {
            //* Calculate only lower triangle matrix */
            *s_val = calc_overlap_int_cgto(
        } else {
            *s_val = 0.0;
    // * Assign lower triangle to upper triangle with slices -> larger chunks
    for i in 0..n - 1 {
        let slice = self
            .slice(s![i + 1..n, i])
            .slice_mut(s![i, i + 1..n])

    Small explaination of the code:

    1. Zip::indexed needs a &mut arr to index the arr and the par_for_each goes through all the elements with a par_iter.
    2. (i,j) are the 2 indices that are needed to index into the basis_set_cgtos (which is a Vec)
    3. Computation time is saved as only the lower triangle matrix is calculated and then copied to the upper half, so we are basically saying:


    The rest of the examples can be parallelized analogously (code in my GitHub repo: SCF_MRJD_RS)