Here is what I have so far for the single particle:
particle_mass <- 4.65 #(x 10^-26)
## A constant that dictates the number of decimal places that the data will be rounded to. Having this set as a constant avoids having to manually adjust a number which appears multiples times throughout the code if you wanted to change the number of decimal places for any reason.
rnd <- 4
## initial particle coordinates
x_i <- round(runif(n = 1, min = 0,max = 1), rnd)
y_i <- round(runif(n = 1, min = 0,max = 1), rnd)
x_velocity <- 400 ## A constant for the x velocity in m/s
y_velocity <- 200 ##A constant for the y velocity in m/s
time_step <- 0.001 ## A constant for the duration of a single time step in seconds
frame_total <- 200 ## A constant for the number of frames that the animation will be split into (two additional frames are added on at the end)
rate_factor <- 35 ## A factor that controls the playback rate of the animation. Increase this number and the animation will be slowed
## The x and y displacement components per time step with a factor to slow down the animation to a more easily perceptible speed.
x_jump <- (x_velocity/rate_factor)/frame_total
y_jump <- (y_velocity/rate_factor)/frame_total
## Vectors of equal length for x position, y position, and corresponding time steps are initialized.
x_pos <- round(seq(x_i, (x_i + (frame_total*x_jump))-x_jump, x_jump), rnd)
y_pos <- round(seq(y_i, (y_i + (frame_total*y_jump))-y_jump, y_jump), rnd)
times <- seq(0, (frame_total*time_step)-time_step, time_step)
## A loop that adjusts the direction of the x velocity vector when x = 1 or x = 0 to simulate wall contact
for (i in 2:length(x_pos)) {
if (x_pos[i-1] > 1 | x_pos[i-1] < 0 ){x_jump = x_jump*(-1)}
x_pos[[i]] <- round(x_pos[[i-1]] + x_jump, rnd)
## A loop that adjusts the direction of the y velocity vector when y = 1 or y = 0 to simulate wall contact
for (i in 2:length(y_pos)) {
if (y_pos[i-1] > 1 | y_pos[i-1] < 0 ){y_jump = y_jump*(-1)}
y_pos[[i]] <- round(y_pos[[i-1]] + y_jump, rnd)
bounce <- data.frame(times, x_pos, y_pos) ##time and coordinate position information
bounce$x_dif <- c(0, diff(bounce$x_pos))## change in x position between time steps
bounce$x_turn <- c(0, diff(sign(bounce$x_dif))) ## helps detect changes in direction
## impulse magnitude experienced by the right wall at each time step
bounce <- bounce %>% mutate(impulse_right = case_when((bounce$x_turn) == -2 ~ 2*(x_velocity*particle_mass),
(bounce$x_turn) != -2 ~ 0))
bounce$cume_impulse_right <- cumsum(bounce$impulse_right) #cumulative impulse on the right wall
## static plots of the moving particle
bounce_plot <- ggplot(bounce) +
geom_point(aes(x_pos, y_pos), color = "azure4", size = 1) +
labs(title = "Single gas particle model") +
ylab("") + xlab("") +
theme_classic() +
## axis lines and tick marks
theme(axis.line = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank()) +
## plot title aesthetics
theme(plot.title = element_text(family = "Arial", face = "bold", hjust = 0.5,
size = 9, color = "gray38")) +
## The vertical and horizontal lines create a border around the 1 x 1 box that contains the particle
geom_vline(xintercept=0, color="snow3", size=2) +
geom_hline(yintercept=0, color="snow3", size=2) +
geom_hline(yintercept=1, color="snow3", size=2) +
geom_vline(xintercept=1, color="#CC6666", size=1)
bounce_anim <- bounce_plot + transition_time(times)
## The desired number of frames and duration of the animation are set within the 'animate' function.
bounce_gif <- animate(bounce_anim, width = 3, height = 3, units = "in", res = 200,
nframes = frame_total, renderer = magick_renderer())
My plan would be to just create a new data frame for each new particle, and then add a new geom_point line under the ggplot function using that new data. I'm concerned that if I was to add 5, 10 or more particles that the code would end up being very long. Is there a way to add multiple particles to the simulation without having to write so much code? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here's an approach based on making a longer dataframe to hold the journey of multiple id's:
particle_mass <- 4.65
ids = 5
frames = 200
n = nrow(df)
df <- expand.grid(frame = 1:frames, id = 1:ids)
df$x_pos = runif(n)
df$y_pos = runif(n)
df$x_vel = runif(n, min = -0.1, max = 0.1)
df$y_vel = runif(n, min = -0.1, max = 0.1)
df$impulse_right = 0
for(i in 1:ids) {
for(f in 2:frames) {
r = f + (i - 1) * frames
df$x_pos[r] = df$x_pos[r-1] + df$x_vel[r-1]
df$x_vel[r] = df$x_vel[r-1] * ifelse(df$x_pos[r] < 0 | df$x_pos[r] > 1, -1, 1)
df$impulse_right[r] = ifelse(df$x_vel[r] < df$x_vel[r-1],
df$x_vel[r-1] * particle_mass, 0)
df$y_pos[r] = df$y_pos[r-1] + df$y_vel[r-1]
df$y_vel[r] = df$y_vel[r-1] * ifelse(df$y_pos[r] < 0 | df$y_pos[r] > 1, -1, 1)
ggplot(df, aes(x_pos, y_pos)) +
geom_point(aes(color = id)) +