When I test this program I get a TypeError: conversion() missing 3 required positional arguments: 'milesPerhour1', 'milesPerhour2', and 'milesPerhour3'
So I tried organizing my code so everything related to the conversion function was all in one place, but that didn't work.
Update: Pasted entire code
def main():
print("This is a Coversion app the converts Miles Per Hour to Kilometer Per Hour.")
print("1 mile per hour is 1.60934 kilometers per hour.")
milesPerhour1 = int(input("Type a positive integer value of MPH you would see on the high way or in your neighborhood. "))
milesPerhour2 = int(input("Type another. "))
milesPerhour3 = int(input("Type one last one. "))
return milesPerhour1, milesPerhour2, milesPerhour3
def conversion(milesPerhour1, milesPerhour2, milesPerhour3):
conversionNumber = 1.60934
conversion1 = conversionNumber*milesPerhour1
conversion2 = conversionNumber*milesPerhour2
conversion3 = conversionNumber*milesPerhour3
return conversion1, conversion2, conversion3
def print2(milesPerhour1, milesPerhour2, milesPerhour3, conversion1, conversion2, conversion3):
print(str(milesPerhour1) + " Miles Per Hour is " + str(conversion1) + " Kilometers Per Hour.")
print(str(milesPerhour2) + " Miles Per Hour is " + str(conversion2) + " Kilometers Per Hour.")
print(str(milesPerhour3) + " Miles Per Hour is " + str(conversion3) + " Kilometers Per Hour.")
You need to pass 3 arguments into the conver()
function. The conver()
function doesn't know the value of mPh1, mPh2, mPh3
because those are defined in a different function, so you need to put those into the parenthesis when you call the function.
On a side note, main()
returns a tuple, so you probably want conver()
to accept just 1 argument (a tuple) instead of 3.
When you define a function like this:
def foo(n1, n2, n3):
requesting 3 parameters (n1, n2, n3), you need to provide 3 arguments (so values for those parameters) when you call the function, like this:
foo(3, 5, 7)