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access DB::select() return query in laravel view

i'm new in laravel. i want to ask is there any other option to access variable in view without using foreach since the return query will always return a single row value.

this is my controller function.

public function publ(Request $request)
    $id = $request->id;
    $user = DB::select("select as name, as type, as info from user u
    join info ui on = u.infoid
    join usertype ut on u.utype =
    where = ?", [$id]);

    if ($user != null) {
        return view('index', ['user' => $user]);

i used this to access it on view.

@foreach($user as $u)
    {{ $u->name }}

it works but i just curious about other options.

i've tried using {{ $user[0]['name'] }} but it shows error Cannot use object of type stdClass as array.


  • First of all, you are NOT using Query Builder or Eloquent, you are doing a direct query on the Connection. This will return an array of stdClass objects. stdClass objects do not have any "array access" as they are just base level objects; you have to interact with them as objects (accessing properties) not as an array (accessing elements).

    Assuming you actually get a result the first result would be accessed as:


    The properties of that object would be accessed via the property notation:


    These are not Models. Eloquent Models implement ArrayAccess which allows them to be "used" as arrays (using array notation). This is not something that is default for objects.