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Get specific data from site using Google apps script

I am trying to get 4 data points from website, I am able to get first, but due to my novice skills I am having difficulty in getting other three. Here is the screenshot of webpage:


I was able to get No. 1037325 from the following script:

function extractDataFromUrl() {

  var url = "";

  // Fetch the contents of the redirected URL
  var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
  const regex = /#(\d+)/;
  const match = regex.exec(response);
  const result = match ? match[1] : null;

   Logger.log(result)  //1037325

Can you please guide how to get other data points? Any help would be greatly appreciated


  • try this:

    function extractPhoneNumbers(url) {
     // Fetch the page content
     var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
     var htmlContent = response.getContentText();
     // Create a regular expression to match the phone number pattern
     var regex = /<span class="listing-contact__number">\s*([\d-]+)\s*<\/span>/g;
     // Execute the regular expression on the HTML content
     var match;
     var phoneNumbers = [];
     while ((match = regex.exec(htmlContent)) !== null) {
      if (match[1]) {
     // Log the extracted phone numbers
     if (phoneNumbers.length > 0) {
      Logger.log("Phone numbers: " + phoneNumbers.join(', '));
     } else {
      Logger.log("No phone numbers found.");
    function testExtractPhoneNumbers() {
     var url = '';