I've installed the apoc plugin using neo4j desktop, according to those instructions: https://neo4j.com/labs/apoc/4.1/installation/#:~:text=APOC%20Full%20can%20be%20installed,see%20the%20%22Installed%22%20message.
I've created a new apoc.conf file in the conf folder (where the neo4j.conf is located) and added the line: apoc.uuid.enabled=true
and saved.
I stopped my db and then restarted it.
also in the neo4j.conf file I have this line to enable procedures for apoc:
also have this in the conf file: #dbms.security.procedures.allowlist=apoc.coll.,apoc.load.,gds.*
when I run RETURN apoc.create.uuid() AS uuid
I get a valid response.
also my neo4j version is 5.3, identical to the version I get when i ran: RETURN apoc.version() AS output
but when I try to run: CALL apoc.uuid.install('Person')
YIELD label, installed, properties
RETURN label, installed, properties;
I get:
There is no procedure with the name apoc.uuid.install registered for this database instance. Please ensure you've spelled the procedure name correctly and that the procedure is properly deployed.
My goal is to create a uuid for every node created with the label Person, so I tried to run the query as it is in the actual documentation but the procedure is not recognized.
It might be confusing, but APOC was split into core and extended version. The apoc.create.uuid
is in core edition, but the apoc.uuid.install
is in extended. Make sure to add both JARs into the plugin folder. You can find the extended version for Neo4j 5.3 here -> https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures/releases/tag/5.3.1