We are running a CI/CD Pipeline behind a corporate HTTP Proxy. So far all works fine, but the artifactory-maven-plugin seems to ignore our proxy settings in the /root/.m2/settings.xml file.
We receive a timeout, but downloading the dependencies for the build and test works fine. So in general network connectivity trough proxy works.
[WARNING] Error occurred for request GET /artifactory/api/system/version HTTP/1.1: Connect to artifactory.x.eu:443 [artifactory.x.eu/167.x.x.201] failed: Connection timed out.
[WARNING] Error occurred for request GET /artifactory/api/system/version HTTP/1.1: Connect to artifactory.x.eu:443 [artifactory.x.eu/167.x.x.201] failed: Connection timed out.
I expect that the upload of artifacts trough the http proxy works. The debug log shows no sign of using the proxy.
Currently, the Maven Artifactory plugin does not read the proxy configuration from the settings.xml.
However, you can still use an HTTP proxy today by providing the following system properties:
mvn clean install -Dartifactory.proxy.host=proxy.jfrog.io -Dartifactory.proxy.port=8888 -Dartifactory.proxy.username=proxyUser -Dartifactory.proxy.password=proxyPass
Additionally, to fully support HTTP proxy by the plugin's configuration in the pom.xml or from the settings.xml as you did, I created this PR: https://github.com/jfrog/artifactory-maven-plugin/pull/64.
Read more about the Maven Artifactory plugin in the documentation: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Maven+Artifactory+Plugin