I am trying to make a script that given a file extension (such as 'opus'), it prints the corresponding mime-type ('audio/ogg'). This is so that I can find the mime-type of an inexistent file in the given system (for example, a remote file).
I did try using gawk on /etc/mime.types, but a am a beginner at gawk, and trying to hack with it is difficult to me.
But I do know that gawk is the best solution for this job. Or else, I want a GNU/Linux tool that already does this.
This is what I have:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
awk -F' ' '$0 ~ /'${1}'/' /etc/mime.types
It is made to be used as ./extension2mime opus
The result of ./extension2mime opus
would be audio/ogg
Here is an excerpt of /etc/mime.types
audio/mpeg mp3 mpga mp1 mp2
audio/ogg oga ogg opus spx
A simple approach would be the following:
awk -v ext="$1" ' # pass shell variable to awk
/^#/{next} # skip comment lines
{type=$1;$1=""} # store and strip first field
$0~"\\<"ext"\\>"{print type} # print type of matching extensions
' /etc/mime.types
Note that this interprets your argument as regular expression, so an input such as .
or ^
would print all lines.
The \<...\>
regex is to match only full extensions, so that jpg
won't match jpg2
or sjpg
(this is a non-POSIX extension of GNU awk).
Or the imperative approach, comparing all fields with your needle in a loop:
awk -v ext="$1" ' # pass shell variable to awk
!/^#/{ # skip comment lines
for(i=2;i<=NF;++i) # loop fields
if ($i==ext) # compare extensions
print $1 # print type
' /etc/mime.types