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Is it possible to add function prompt in custom tool bar viewModifier

I have created following custom toolbar modifier which I use in number of app screens . The only change on each screen is the function which added to the button! How can I add a function prompt inside the custom toolbar modifier so I can update function for each screen?

Thank You!

Following is the code

import Foundation
import SwiftUI

struct toolbarModifier: ViewModifier {
func body (content: Content) -> some View {
    .toolbar {
        ToolbarItem (placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
            Button {
                // addItem() function for example
            } label: {
               Image (systemName: "")


I tried searching on the website but couldn’t find any answer!


  • You can pass it as a variable

    struct ToolbarModifier: ViewModifier { //struct should start with uppercase
        //This is how you declare a function
        let action: () -> Void
        func body (content: Content) -> some View {
                .toolbar {
                    ToolbarItem (placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
                        Button(action: action) { //Use it in the action of the Button
                            Image (systemName: "")