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ANTLR4 Visitor testing

I have described the grammar, it works fine. Now I'm at the point where I need to write unit tests for it. Does anyone know how to do this properly? I am using Java.
And how can I test the visitor with small programs that he will visit? Suppose I want to put some files in the resource directory, read the source code of the program from there and get the results for testing.

Could you give me a small example of how I can test this. For example, I have this method:

    public Atom visitInt(final ProgramParser.IntContext ctx) {
        return new Value(Integer.parseInt(ctx.INT().getText()));


  • Let's say your grammar looks like this:

    grammar Program;
     : int EOF
     : Int
     : [0-9]+

    And your visitor like this:

    public class DemoVisitor extends ProgramBaseVisitor<Atom> {
        public Atom visitInt(ProgramParser.IntContext ctx) {
            return new Atom(ctx.Int().getText());
    class Atom {
        public final String value;
        public Atom(String value) {
            this.value = value;

    then this can be tested like:

    public void visitorTest() {
        ProgramLexer lexer = new ProgramLexer(CharStreams.fromString("42"));
        ProgramParser parser = new ProgramParser(new CommonTokenStream(lexer));
        Atom atom = new DemoVisitor().visit(parser.int_());
        Assert.assertEquals("42", atom.value);