I have an ANTLR4 grammar file and there is a pair of circularly-dependent rules, if you can call them that. Here are those rules:
: ID LPAREN (expr (COMMA expr)*)? RPAREN
: operand
| call
| NOT expr
| expr (AND|OR|ADD|SUB|MUL|DIV) expr
references expr
, and expr
references call
. What I'm looking for is a way to implement such string checks using JavaScript RegExp. It would also help to have some sort of recursive RegExp for the expr
rule, but something tells me that whatever could solve the circular dependency issue would solve the recursion issue as well. If it exists, that is :)
I tried:
Is there a way to, perhaps, insert a "link" to another RegExp into a RegExp literal, or something like that?
What I'm looking for is a way to implement such string checks using JavaScript RegExp.
That is not possible.
What you can do is use the ANTLR grammar that defines ANTLR itself and generate JavaScript parser. That parser can then be used to parse the grammar containing the call
and expr
rules. The resulting parse tree can then be used to discover which rule references what other rule(s).