I have a Bicep script deployed as part of an Azure Pipeline. Through some googling, I've managed to almost implement a "create if not exists" for resources using a Powershell Script further up the pipeline as described at https://ochzhen.com/blog/check-if-resource-exists-azure-bicep
The issue seems to be I can't pass an ID or a conditional reference as a parent. What I;m trying to do is:
param isFdEndpointExisting bool
resource endpoint 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints@2020-09-01' =if(!isFdEndpointExisting) {
name: fdEndpointName
parent: fdProfile
... // params to initialize here
resource endpointExisting 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints@2020-09-01'existing =if(isFdEndpointExisting) {
name: fdEndpointName
parent: fdProfile
resource route 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints/routes@2020-09-01' =if(!isFdRouteExisting) {
name: routeName
parent: isFdEndpointExisting ? endpointExisting : endpoint
The error I get is:
The "parent" property only permits direct references to resources. Expressions are not supported.bicep(BCP240)
Is there an alternative way of doing this. It feels a little clunky.
You could create the endpoint inside a module:
// fd-route.bicep
param frontDoorName string
param endpointName string
param routeName string
resource frontDoor 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles@2022-11-01-preview'existing = {
name: frontDoorName
resource endpoint 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints@2022-11-01-preview'existing = {
parent: frontDoor
name: endpointName
resource route 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints/routes@2020-09-01' = {
parent: endpoint
name: routeName
Then you can invoke it like that from your main
param isFdEndpointExisting bool
param fdProfileName string
param fdEndpointName string
param routeName string
// Get a ference to front door
resource fdProfile 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles@2020-09-01' existing = {
name: fdProfileName
// Create the endpoit if not exists
resource endpoint 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints@2020-09-01' =if(!isFdEndpointExisting) {
parent: fdProfile
name: fdEndpointName
// Get a reference to the existing endpoint if already exists
resource endpointExisting 'Microsoft.Cdn/profiles/afdEndpoints@2020-09-01'existing =if(isFdEndpointExisting) {
name: fdEndpointName
parent: fdProfile
// Create the rouyte
module route 'fd-route.bicep' = {
name: routeName
params: {
frontDoorName: fdProfile.name
endpointName: isFdEndpointExisting ? endpointExisting.name : endpoint.name
routeName: routeName