I need to create something like this:
import RealmSwift
class UserObject: Object {
@Persisted var ageRange: ClosedRange<Int>
But I get error Generic struct 'Persisted' requires that 'ClosedRange<Int>' conform to '_Persistable'
How to map ClosedRange<Int>
to a single object which is supported by realm (without of splitting ClosedRange<Int>
into 2 Int)?
P.S. note: there are may be similar questions but they are all about the older RealmSwift version which doesn't involve @Persisted
Other than a little bit of code duplication, I really don't see what "looks strange" about splitting the range into 2 Int
If you want to avoid code duplication when there are multiple such pairs of properties, you can write an RealmIntRange
Realm object that is persistable.
class RealmIntRange: Object {
@Persisted var min: Int = 0
@Persisted var max: Int = 0
Then in UserObject
@Persisted var ageRange: RealmIntRange?
Unfortunately this has to be an optional type.