In powershell,
Using az keyvault secret set
to set the localdb connection string as a key vault secret fails because of the closing parenthesis ")" that precedes the "\\".
az keyvault secret set --name ConnectionString-messaging --vault-name kvtemptest --value "server=(LocalDb)\\MSSQLLocalDb;database=messaging;trusted_connection=yes;Pooling=false;"
the error I get is
\MSSQLLocalDb was unexpected at this time.
Tried the below too
(backtick) but same results
az keyvault secret set --name ConnectionString-bwalk-messaging --vault-name kvsamtemptest --value "server=(LocalDb)
(doubling the braces)
az keyvault secret set --name ConnectionString-bwalk-messaging --vault-name kvsamtemptest --value "server=((LocalDb))
the command works gr8 in git bash console
az --% az keyvault secret set --name ConnectionString-messaging --vault-name kvtemptest --value "server=(LocalDb)\\MSSQLLocalDb;database=messaging;trusted_connection=yes;Pooling=false;"
should work.
That is mentioned here: and powershell documentation here: