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How to resolve TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'update_queue'?

I want to create a Telegram bot that checks for a new post on a website (currently every 15s for testing purposes). If so, it should send a message with content from the post into the Telegram channel.

For this I already have the following "code skeleton": (The fine work in terms of formatting and additions comes later)

import requests
import asyncio
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from telegram import InputMediaPhoto
from telegram.ext import Updater

# Telegram Bot API Token

# URL of the website
URL = ''

# List for storing seen posts
seen_posts = []

# Function for fetching posts
def get_posts():
    # Send request to the website
    res = requests.get(URL)
    # Parse HTML content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(res.content, 'html.parser')
    # Find all posts on the website
    posts = soup.find_all('article')
    # Iterate over each post
    for post in posts:
        # Get title of the post
        title = post.find('h2', class_='entry-title').text
        # Check if post has already been seen
        if title not in seen_posts:
            # Get image URL
            image_src = post.find('img')['src']
            # Get short text of the post
            text = post.find('div', class_='entry-content clearfix').find('p').text
            # Send image, title, and text as message
  '@chemiehalleBot', media=[InputMediaPhoto(media=image_src, caption=title + '\n\n' + text)])
            # Add title of the post to the list of seen posts

# Main loop
async def main():
    while True:
        # Call get_posts function every 15s
        print("Check for new posts")
        await asyncio.sleep(15)

# Initialize Telegram Bot
updater = Updater(API_TOKEN)
bot =

# Start main loop

So far I have found out that updater = Updater(API_TOKEN, use_context=True) produces errors and so I have removed use_context=True following the instructions from other posts on this site.

Since that I am encountering the error TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'update_queue' in the updater = Updater(API_TOKEN) line.

But unfortunately I don't know what to change. According to this, the constructor of Updater needs an additional argument update_queue. But I have no idea which one this should be and where I should get it from.

Can you help me please?

Thank you very much for the support!


  • You probably have the wrong telegram version.

    I am a bit old fashion, but for me version 13 still works great.

    So simply replace your library version by running:

    pip install python-telegram-bot==13.13