#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h> //needed for Mac Linux
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; // Declares Mutex Lock Globally
void* print_i(void *ptr)
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); //ensures whole function gets executed without interleaving
printf("1: I am \n");
sleep(1); //program to pause for 1 sec
printf("in i\n");
return NULL; //needed b/c function does not return anything
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //releases function to continue rest of program
void* print_j(void *ptr)
pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); //ensures whole function gets executed without interleaving
printf("2: I am \n");
sleep(1); //program to pause for 1 sec
printf("in j\n");
return NULL; //needed b/c function does not return anything
pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); //releases function to continue rest of program
int main()
pthread_t t1,t2;
int rc1 = pthread_create(&t1, NULL, print_i, NULL);
int rc2 = pthread_create(&t2, NULL, print_j, NULL);
pthread_join(t1, NULL); //allows functions to iterate completely(T1,T2,Main,T1,T2,Main..)
pthread_join(t2, NULL); //allows functions to iterate completely(T1,T2,Main,T1,T2,Main..)
We are meant to have a result of:
1: I am/n
in I/n
2: I am/n
in j/n
What my output actually is:
1: I am
in i
After my actual output I then seem to be 'stuck' in the program. For example, the up arrow produces '^[[A'. Any help would be greatly appreciated to find out why the expected result is not coming. I am using a M1 MacBook Pro.
After the return statement the next statement does not get the control
return NULL; //needed b/c function does not return anything
So the mutex is not unlocked.