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Use Greasemonkey to change URL links within a given domain

I'm new to Greasemonkey (Tampermonkey actually), and I'd like to write a very short script that:

  • Is valid within a given domain (e.g. "")

  • Parses all button-related URL links within the active tab

  • Replaces them as follows :

    Original URL link: [string_1]/[useful_part]?[string_2]

    To be replaced with: [replacement_1]/[useful_part]

    So everything after the "?" can be discarded, including the "?" itself.

More specifically, URL links are as follows:[useful_part]?autoplay=true

So string 1 = "" and string 2 = "autoplay=true"

I've seen a similar question here: Rewrite parts of links using Greasemonkey and FireFox

But I'm not good enough at RegEx, so I couldn't adapt the script to my own needs.

I've also looked for Firefox extensions, but the available extensions don't seem to allow the level of text replacement that I'm seeking.


  • Here is the working script thanks to cssyphus. {DOMAIN_NAME} needs of course to be replaced:

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         Webui Player Replacements
    // @namespace
    // @description  Change URL links to AceStream on a given domain
    // @version      0.1
    // @match        http://{DOMAIN_NAME}/*
    // @grant        none
    // ==/UserScript==
    (function() {
        'use strict';
        const lnks = document.querySelectorAll('a');
        lnks.forEach( (el) => {
            const href = el.getAttribute('href');
            const ed1 = href.split('?')[0];
            const ed2 = ed1.replace('','');
            el.setAttribute('href', `acestream://${ed2}`);
            el.setAttribute('onclick', `event.preventDefault();'acestream://${ed2}')`);