I am building a website using Angular with Here Map. I am using Here Map Api I tried to draw a gradient line with Polyline but it is not working and I can't know how I can do it.
Here is my code.
const points = response.points;
if (points && points.length > 0) {
this.points = [];
points.forEach((point: any) => {
this.points.push(point.lat, point.lng, 0);
this.lineString = new H.geo.LineString(this.points);
// make the route gradient color
const temp = new H.map.Polyline(
style: {
strokeColor: 'rgb(255, 248, 45)',
lineWidth: 10,
console.log("routeLine====", temp)
This shows me yellow line. but I want to draw gradient line (yellow and red color) like google map.
Please help me. Thanks.
I tried to draw a gradient line with Polyline but it is not working and I can't know how I can do it.
At the moment Here Map Api does not support for gradient polylines. It currently supports only solid colors for route and their outlines