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Mysql Limited Grouping Query

I am struggling to write a mysql query to help me find the information I am looking for. I have a table that records sales of different items.

I have a table(tblsales) with four columns: Date, Item, PricePer, Quantity.

Some days I have 2 sales and some days I have 200 sales.

I would like to write a query that shows me the average item price of the five largest quantity sales I made for every day I have recorded a sale.

The query would output a table with two columns: Date, Average_Price_Top_Five_Sellers

I can't figure out how to write the query. I can write it for a single day, but I can't figure out how to properly add the limit clause to query for the full calendar.

SELECT Date, AVG(Price) AS Average_Price_Top_Five_Sellers
FROM tblsales
WHERE Date = "2023-01-01"

Can you please help me to write a query that returns the information I am looking for? Thanks.


  • If I understand your question correctly, you can use window functions:

    select date, avg(price) avg_price
    from (
        select s.*,
            rank() over(partition by date order by quantity desc) rn
        from tblsales s
    ) s
    where rn <= 5
    group by date 

    This produces one row per date when you had sales, with the average price of the top 5 sales (by quantity) on that day.