I want to write a function that accepts a certain number of parameters using constant templates, for example:
template<int count>
void foo(int... args) { ... }
foo<1>(0); // success
foo<2>(0); // error
foo<3>(0, 0, 0); // success
in templates decides how many parameters it can accept.
I tried to write a prototype like this
template <int a, int b>
concept equal = (a == b);
template <int size>
void foo(int... args) requires equal<sizeof...(args), size>
{ ... }
and it fails to complie. What is the correct way to do it, or is there a simplier method.
thanks very much
int... args
is not the way to have int arg0, int arg1, .., int argN
is used for number0, number1, ..., numberN
as in std::integer_sequence<int, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42>
You might do:
template<int count, std::same_as<int> ...Ints>
void foo(Ints... args) requires (sizeof...(args) == count)
// ...