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create a new collection from existing collection's object array type field in mongodb?

I would like create a new collection from an existing collection. The structure of document is like this.

{"_id" : "ObjectId('1234')",
  "field2" : "value2",
  "field3" : [
        {"field3-1": "value3", 
         {"field3-1": "value7", 

I would like a new collection that has field3-1, field3-2, field3-3 and field3-4 like the following.

    "source_id": "1234",
    "field3-1": "value3",
    "source_id": "1234",
    "field3-1": "value7", 

I tried using export by choosing only field3, it created the file like the following when I selected the type as csv, which I can't export into any collection.

    ""field3-1"": ""value3"",
    ""field3-1"": ""value7"",

I have almost 20 million documents in the existing collection, what could be the efficient way to achieve it? If anyone has an experience, could you give some advices?


  • Simply do an $unwind. $replaceRoot to move the sub-documents to root level. $out to a new collection.

        "$unwind": "$field3"
        "$replaceRoot": {
          "newRoot": {
            "$mergeObjects": [
                // fields you want to keep
                "source_id": "$_id"
        "$out": {
          "db": "output-db",
          "coll": "output-collection"

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