I have hundreds of NETCDF files that I obtained from ERA5(Land) datasets. The temporal resolutions of the data are in hours but I need to compile them into daily mean. Single calculation is straightforward in CDO (see below). But when I tried to loop through the files, I'm getting an error message that suggests that I can only calculate them one at a time, which would be quite laborious. I was wondering if there is a workaround either in R or CDO. Here are my CDO syntaxes:
$ cdo daymean infile1980.nc outfile_day1980.nc ##single operation works fine.
for i in C:/path/.*nc
cdo daymean "${pattern}"* "${pattern}_day.nc"
cdo (Abort): Too many input streams for operator 'daymean'!
The goal is to aggregate each year's hourly data into daily data
I found a workaround. Took a few steps but works. The first step is to merge all the .nc files
## "-b F64" helps with precision
## "-f nc2" forces the files into nc2 to overcome size.
## See here: https://code.mpimet.mpg.de/boards/1/topics/908
$ cdo -b F64 -f nc2 mergetime *.nc all_data.nc
Next, compute the daily mean
$ cdo daymean all_data.nc all_out.nc
Then split the data by year
$ cdo splityear all_out.nc var_out_ ## it automatically appends "year" to each output name