I'm trying to detect characters of a string which are inside brackets and take those exact characters and replace them into a different string. These are in multiple columns, ref1:ref4.
eg. The values in the columns that are:
"Ref Other Spot (Long Line)"
"Ref Other Spot (Short)"
"Ref Other Spot (Terrier Join)"
and change these to:
"Ref to Long Line"
"Ref to Short"
"Ref to Terrier Join"
I'm using mutate(across()) in this way to try and replace them:
~ str_replace_all(.x, "Ref Other Spot ([.])", paste0("Ref to [.]"))))
But this isn't picking up the "Long Line", "Short" etc. I think my regular expression is missing something (pattern [.])
I'm also not sure if it will be able to both detect then paste the same word back into the expression.
Any help appreciated!
You can use
str_replace_all(.x, "(Ref)\\s+Other\\s+Spot\\s*\\(([^()]*)\\)", "\\1 to \\2")
See the regex demo.
- Ref
string captured into Group 1 (\1
- one or more whitespacesOther\s+Spot
- Other Spot
with any one or more whitespaces between the two words\s*
- zero or more whitespaces\(
- a (
- Group 2 (\2
): zero or more chars other than parentheses\)
- a )