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HQL - List in where clause which can be null, using H2 and MySQL

I have the following code in Hibernate Query Language:

     @Query("SELECT a FROM Table a " +
            "WHERE (COALESCE(:param, null) IS NULL OR a.value in :param) "
    List<InspectionInstruction> findAllInIds(@Param("param") List<Long> ids);

The call is either with a List of Ids, or just with null. So I want to use the where clause if the list is not empty, if it is empty, I want to omit the where clause. The actual query is much bigger and has multiple clauses, so splitting them up is not a viable option.
It works great with MySQL (Version 8), however using it with H2, I get the following error:

WARN [http-nio-auto-1-exec-4] --- o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper: SQL Error: 50004, SQLState: HY004
ERROR [http-nio-auto-1-exec-4] --- o.h.e.j.s.SqlExceptionHelper: Unknown data type: "NULL, ?"; SQL statement:
select as col_0_0_ from table a0_ where coalesce(?, null) is null or in (?) [50004-214]

My H2 connection string:

    url: jdbc:h2:mem:testdb;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE;MODE=MYSQL 
    driverClassName: org.h2.Driver

Is there a way of handling possible null values as param in H2? I could also pass an empty list instead of null, if that has any advantage.


  • Not the answer I was looking for, but one that works:
    I played around with some CriteriaBuilder implementation but as HQL is used throughout the entire project and I also like to write HQL statements because they are close to SQL, I ended up doing it like this:

         @Query("SELECT a FROM Table a " +
                "WHERE (:paramEmpty IS TRUE OR a.value in :param) "
        List<InspectionInstruction> findAllInIds(@Param("param") List<Long> ids, @Param("paramEmpty") boolean idsEmpty);

    Which is a bit of an ugly method in my opinion, but it does the job.

    I also found the size() function, got excited, but it doesn't support parameters.