When using ggswissmaps
, I get long / lat coordinate that do not match a format that I recognize.
[1] 679207 680062 679981 680365 680281 680479
[1] 245176 244294 244051 243411 241866 241584
What scale could this be? It is neither the long / lat I get from e.g. Google maps, degrees, nor UTM.
It looks like the co-ordinates are given in metres (Northing, Easting), using the Swiss CH1903 / LV03 projection.
If you want to convert this to standard degrees latitude / longitude, you can do something like this:
sw_shp <- split(shp_df[["g1b15"]], shp_df[["g1b15"]]$id) |>
lapply(function(x) list(as.matrix(subset(x, piece == 1)[1:2]))) |>
sf::st_multipolygon() |>
sf::st_sfc(crs = 21781) |>
sf::st_transform(crs = 'WGS84')
This now gives you a simple features column which is easy to handle. For example, it can be plotted like this:
plot(sw_shp, axes = TRUE)