Search code examples

Hibernate Search: predicate with multiple IDs from the IndexedEmbedded (similar to .id())

I am trying to find a way so that I can make the following use case work: Author is embedded in the Book (that is indexed), and I save the IDs of the Author in the book ( I have a list of Author IDs that I would like to search for.

Is the best way to do this using .terms()? Or is there any better way? Thanks in advance!


  • Is the best way to do this using .terms()?


    List<Long> myIds = List.of( 1L, 2L );
    List<Book> hits = Book.class )
            .where( f -> f.terms().field( "" )
                    .matchingAny( myIds ) )
            .fetchHits( 20 );

    Here's the documentation: