I am trying to find a way so that I can make the following use case work: Author is embedded in the Book (that is indexed), and I save the IDs of the Author in the book (author.id). I have a list of Author IDs that I would like to search for.
Is the best way to do this using .terms()? Or is there any better way? Thanks in advance!
Is the best way to do this using .terms()?
List<Long> myIds = List.of( 1L, 2L );
List<Book> hits = searchSession.search( Book.class )
.where( f -> f.terms().field( "authors.id" )
.matchingAny( myIds ) )
.fetchHits( 20 );
Here's the documentation: https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/search/reference/en-US/html_single/#search-dsl-predicate-terms