I have data in the form of minutes after midnight. For example, "70" corresponds to 1:10am. I am trying to convert it to HH:mm in R so that I can do some time series analyses.
Here is the code I have tried:
xtime <- as.numeric(as.character(occur_dat$Minutes_After_12am))
x_time <- format(as.POSIXct(xtime, origin = "00:00"), format = "%H:%M")
I verified that xtime
is a numeric vector, and it is. I am not sure why I keep getting the "character string is not in a standard unambiguous format"
error. Similar questions appear to be resolved with the first line of code (as.numeric
), so I am at a loss.
Use a period/time class from a package. I like package data.table but I think lubridate and chron also provide such classes.
#75 minutes after midnight
x <- as.ITime(75 * 60)
sprintf("%02d:%02d", hour(x), minute(x))
#[1] "01:15"