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Iphone, Obtaining a List of countries from MonoTouch

Is it possible to replicate what the code in here does in MonoTouch?

Here is what I've tried so far:

foreach(string countryCode in NSLocale.ISOCountryCodes){
 // How to convert this objective-c code to c#?
 // [[NSLocale currentLocale] displayNameForKey:NSLocaleCountryCode value:countryCode]


  • Sadly a quick look shows that displayNameForKey:value: to be (currently as of 4.2.x) missing from MonoTouch (and MonoMac) bindings. I'll look into implementing it and will update this entry once done.

    UPDATE : Source code to work around the missing binding

        public void DisplayCountryCodeNames ()
            NSLocale current = NSLocale.CurrentLocale;
            IntPtr handle = current.Handle;
            IntPtr selDisplayNameForKeyValue = new Selector ("displayNameForKey:value:").Handle;
            foreach (var countryCode in NSLocale.ISOCountryCodes) {
                using (var key = new NSString ("kCFLocaleCountryCodeKey")) {
                    using (var nsvalue = new NSString (countryCode)) {
                        string ret = NSString.FromHandle (MonoTouch.ObjCRuntime.Messaging.IntPtr_objc_msgSend_IntPtr_IntPtr (handle, selDisplayNameForKeyValue, key.Handle, nsvalue.Handle));
                        Console.WriteLine ("{0} -> {1}", countryCode, ret);

    Adapt to your liking and have fun with MonoTouch!

    p.s. I'll update the bindings so it will be included in future releases for MonoTouch in a more proper API ;-)