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How to ensure a FlyoutPage's hamburger button is displayed when inital MainPage is not a FlyoutPage?

In my App.xaml.cs's Initialize(), I start the user out on the login page like this:

MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage());

In the login page, following authentication, I navigate to a FlyoutPage like this:

Navigation.InsertPageBefore(myFlyoutPage, this);
await Navigation.PopAsync();

Later, when I need to send the user back to the login page, I do so as follows:

"Return to login" listing

var page = new LoginPage();
myFlyoutPage.Navigation.InsertPageBefore(page, myFlyoutPage);
await myFlyoutPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();

The flyout page uses "Popover" FlyoutLayoutBehavior, so after the login, I expect the rendered FlyoutPage to include a hamburger menu button. However, in my case that button is absent, even though the root page in the stack is a FlyoutPage at that point.

I noticed that if I explicitly set (again) the app's MainPage to myFlyoutPage as part of the post-authentication navigation, then the button is rendered and works as expected.

Navigation.InsertPageBefore(myFlyoutPage, this);
((App)(Application.Current)).MainPage = myFlyoutPage; // added
await Navigation.PopAsync();

However, this causes an exception to be thrown when sending the user back to login (in the "return to login" listing above) on the following line:

myFlyoutPage.Navigation.InsertPageBefore(page, myFlyoutPage);

The exception is as follows:

System.ArgumentException: 'before must be in the pushed stack of the current context'

I can't seem to find any way of displaying the hamburger button without breaking the navigation. Unfortunately, I'm not able to use Shell in this project. Any guidance would be immensely appreciated.


  • You can add this in your "return to login" listing:

    var page = new LoginPage();
    //myFlyoutPage.Navigation.InsertPageBefore(page, myFlyoutPage);
    await myFlyoutPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
    Application.Current.MainPage = page;

    It changes the root page of the application to LoginPage.

    I create a project and test it. This works well.