I writed something like this:
url(r'^oog\d{3}/', admin.site.urls)
But when I open admin site, then visit some model.
It show me the url is and it could not open.
Does re_path support admin.site.urls?
I don't think this is possible without diving deep into the AdminSite
object.. and I don't see any real benifit of being able to access the same admin page with oog001
and oog002
I was able to get it to at least run with:
re_path(r'^admin(([0-9]+)/)?', admin_site.urls),
But immediately:
admin.index() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
args looks like:
(<WSGIRequest: GET '/admin12/'>, '12/', '12')
You can pop off those two 12's and get the index to load, but than any other url in the admin ends up like
None of the Model tables work, I presume you've also got to pop the numbers off:
ModelAdmin.changelist_view() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
I'd suggest not doing this