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Dependency Injection in abstract classes sharing the same inteface

I have a bunch of abstract classes with the base inheriting from an interface, as such :

public abstract class ServiceBase<T> : IServiceBase
protected ServiceBase(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3)

public abstract class ServiceA<T> : ServiceBase<T>
protected ServiceA(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3) 
: base(extService1, extService2, extService3)

public abstract class ServiceAA : ServiceA<Type1>
protected ServiceAA(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3) 
: base(extService1, extService2, extService3)

public abstract class ServiceAB : ServiceA<Type2>
protected ServiceAB(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3) 
: base(extService1, extService2, extService3)

public abstract class ServiceB<T> : ServiceBase<Type3>
protected ServiceB(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3) 
: base(extService1, extService2, extService3)

    public abstract class ServiceBA : ServiceB<Type1>
protected ServiceBA(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3) 
: base(extService1, extService2, extService3)

    public abstract class ServiceBB : ServiceB<Type2>
protected ServiceAA(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3) 
: base(extService1, extService2, extService3)

with DI setup like this :

builder.Services.AddScoped<IExtService1, extService1>
builder.Services.AddScoped<IExtService2, extService2>
builder.Services.AddScoped<IExtService3, extService3>
builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceAA>
builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceAB>
builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceBA>
builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceBB>

now I would like to have access to ServiceBA in ServiceA or, if not possible, in ServiceAA and ServiceAB, like this :

public abstract class ServiceA<T> : ServiceBase<T>
protected ServiceA(IExtService1 extService1, IExtService2 extService2, IExtService3 extService3, ServiceBA<T> serviceBA) 
: base(extService1, extService2, extService3)

But it seems that serviceBA in ServiceA isn't instanciated and is always null ... How can I fix that?


  • Your services are registered in the DI-container by their interface, not the implementation type, so the DI-container cannot retrieve the ServiceBA by its type. But you can register services not only by interface:

    builder.Services.AddScoped<IExtService1, extService1>
    builder.Services.AddScoped<IExtService2, extService2>();
    builder.Services.AddScoped<IExtService3, extService3>();
    builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceAA>();
    builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceAB>();
    builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceBA>();
    builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceBase, ServiceBB>();

    After that container can resolve the correct implementation for each service.

    Another solution is to make a factory that can resolve a specific service by string or by another key and inject it instead of directly injecting service itself:

    public enum ServiceType
    public interface IServiceFactory
        IServiceBase CreateService(ServiceType serviceType);
    public class ServiceFactory : IServiceFactory
        private readonly IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
        public ServiceFactory(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
        public IServiceBase CreateService(ServiceType serviceType)
            return serviceType switch
                ServiceType.ServiceAA => _serviceProvider.GetService<ServiceAA>(),
                ServiceType.ServiceAB => _serviceProvider.GetService<ServiceAB>(),
                ServiceType.ServiceBA => _serviceProvider.GetService<ServiceBA>(),
                ServiceType.ServiceBB => _serviceProvider.GetService<ServiceBB>(),
                _ => throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid service type: {serviceType}")

    After that you can register ServiceFactory in DI-container:

    builder.Services.AddScoped<IServiceFactory, ServiceFactory>();

    And use it to resolve a concrete service:

    public class SomeClass
        private readonly IServiceFactory _serviceFactory;
        public SomeClass(IServiceFactory serviceFactory)
            _serviceFactory = serviceFactory;
        public void SomeMethod()
            IServiceBase serviceAA = _serviceFactory.CreateService(ServiceType.ServiceAA);
            IServiceBase serviceAB = _serviceFactory.CreateService(ServiceType.ServiceAB);