I have a task where I have to give the rank to NULLS with respect to it's other not null duplicate values.
I have a table named TABLEA
with column as ID, DATE and Amount
. There is some rules that filters few rows from TABLEA
with column as ID1, DATE1 and Amount1
and final result after filter is inserted into TABLEB
Now I did Table A left Join Table B which gives me the result as given below .
1 2022-10-17 400 NULL NULL NULL
1 2022-10-18 300 1 2022-10-18 300
2 2022-10-19 432 2 2022-10-19 432
2 2022-10-20 100 NULL NULL NULL
2 2022-10-21 200 NULL NULL NULL
2 2022-10-22 234 2 2022-10-21 234
3 2022-10-22 213 3 2022-10-22 213
3 2022-10-22 112 3 2022-10-23 112
3 2022-10-22 218 3 NULL NULL
4 2022-10-23 654 4 2022-10-18 654
5 2022-10-28 500 NULL NULL NULL
I want the rank as displayed in Row Number column of below example. I am doing group by ID and order by Date.
ID Date AMOUNT ID1 Date1 AMOUNT1 Row Number
1 2022-10-17 400 NULL NULL NULL 1
1 2022-10-18 300 1 2022-10-18 300 1
2 2022-10-19 432 2 2022-10-19 432 1
2 2022-10-20 100 NULL NULL NULL 1
2 2022-10-21 200 NULL NULL NULL 1
2 2022-10-22 234 2 2022-10-21 234 2
3 2022-10-22 213 3 2022-10-22 213 1
3 2022-10-22 112 3 2022-10-23 112 2
3 2022-10-22 218 3 NULL NULL 2
4 2022-10-23 654 4 2022-10-18 654 1
5 2022-10-28 500 NULL NULL NULL 1
I tried using row_number/dense_rank/rank function but could not find the solution.
SQL Query tried :
Select a.ID , a.date , a.amount , b.id1, b.date1, b.amount1 from TableA a
, row_number() over (partition by b.id1 order by case when b.date1 is not null then b.date1 end) ROW Number
left join TableB b
on a.id = b.id
Logic to achieve :
For ID = 1 There are two rows for ID =1 , but ID1 , Date1 and Amount1 column is null for ID=1. So I need to populate Row Number = 1 for both the rows for ID= 1. For this, I did partition by ID and order by Date to achieve Row Number = 1 for both rows. [which is not yet done by my Sql query and I stuck to achieve this logic.]
For ID = 2 There are four rows so when I do partition by ID and Order by Date , I need to get Row Number = 1 for 1st row, Row Number = 1 for 2nd and 3rd row as ID1, Date1 and Amount1 is null in these two rows and Row Number = 2 for 4th row as there is no null values in ID1, Date1 and Amount1 column.
For ID = 3 There are three rows. so when I do partition by ID and Order by Date , I need to get Row Number = 1 for 1st row, Row Number = 2 for 2nd and 3rd row as ID1, Date1 and Amount1 is null for 3rd row.
For ID =4, it is simple, it will have row number =1 as it is non duplicate row.
For ID =5 , It will also have row number = 1 as there is the only row for this ID.
Also If for a ID, if two rows have same date and not null ID1, Date1, Amount1 column then they should have different Row Number.
DDL and DML for above example.
Create table Test
ID int,
Date date,
Amount int,
ID1 int,
Date1 date,
Amount1 int
Insert into Test (ID, Date, Amount, ID1, Date1, Amount1) values
(1 ,'2022-10-17',400,NULL,NULL ,NULL ) ,
(1 ,'2022-10-18',300, 1 ,'2022-10-18', 300 ),
(2 ,'2022-10-19',432, 2 ,'2022-10-19', 432 ),
(2 ,'2022-10-20',100,NULL, NULL ,NULL),
(2 ,'2022-10-21',200,NULL, NULL ,NULL),
(2 ,'2022-10-22',234,2 , '2022-10-21',234 ),
(3 ,'2022-10-22',213,3 , '2022-10-22',213 ),
(3 ,'2022-10-22',112,3 , '2022-10-23',112 ),
(3 ,'2022-10-22',218,3 , NULL ,NULL),
(4 ,'2022-10-23',654,4 , '2022-10-18',654 ),
(5 ,'2022-10-28',500,NULL, NULL ,NULL)
I think you can use a windowed SUM
with a CASE
expression and a COALESCE
to accomplish this. It returns the desired results as shown.
select *
, coalesce(sum(case when Amount1 is not null then 1 end) over (partition by id order by [Date]),1)
from Test
order by id, [Date];