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Implementing a Google Pay with Stripe Gateway in web

I have a problem when implementing the Google Pay api, i cant perform a payment. I implemented the the Google Pay api the same as the documentation say, and i saw i need to provide a gateway provider. I provided the following object:

  "gateway": "stripe"
  "stripe:version": "2018-10-31"
  "stripe:publishableKey": "YOUR_PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY"

Everything work as expected, i can see the GPay button i can open it and choose my card, but when i click pay, i can see in the console a json token object returned from Google Pay api, i dont know what are the next steps, if somebody have experience with that please help.

I tried with examples from the Google Pay api, also look the Stripe documentation but i didnt find where i need to pass this token object from Google Pay api


  • The next step once you received the token from Google Pay is to perform the actual authorization by calling the respective Stripe APIs.

    1. Call the /v1/payment_methods API with the token you received in the response from Google Pay:

      curl \
      -u sk_test_your_secret: \
      -d type=card \
      -d "card[token]"=tok_abc1234
    2. In the response you will receive an id. Use it to finally call the /v1/payment_intents API:

      curl \
        -u sk_test_your_secret: \
        -X "POST" \
        -d amount=100 \
        -d payment_method=pm_your_pm \
        -d currency=usd

    Additional API calls may be needed depending on the status of the Payment Intent. For more information on how Payment Intents work please see:


    There is an even simpler way to charge a user by passing the to the /v1/charges API directly:

    curl \
      -u sk_test_your_secret: \
      -d amount=100 \
      -d currency=usd \
      -d source=tok_abc1234