i want to split full name to first ,middle and last in x++ d365fo
str fullName = _contracts.fullName();
// Replace any non-ASCII whitespace characters with regular spaces
fullName = strReplace(fullName, '\u00A0', ' '); // Replace non-breaking spaces with regular spaces
fullName = strReplace(fullName, '\t', ' '); // Replace tabs with regular spaces
// Trim any leading or trailing whitespace characters from the full name
fullName = strTrim(fullName);
// Split full name into first, middle, and last name
str firstName;
str middleName;
str lastName;
// Find the last space character to split the full name into first and last name
int lastSpace = strFind(fullName, " ", strLen(fullName), -1);
if (lastSpace >= 0)
lastName = subStr(fullName, lastSpace + 1, strLen(fullName));
// Find the first space character to split the full name into first and middle name
int firstSpace = strFind(fullName, " ", 0, 1);
if (firstSpace >= 0 && firstSpace < lastSpace)
firstName = subStr(fullName, 1, firstSpace - 1);
middleName = subStr(fullName, firstSpace + 1, lastSpace - firstSpace - 1);
// No space found before last space, assume the full name is just a first name and last name
firstName = "";
middleName = "";
// No space found, assume the full name is just a first name
firstName = fullName;
this is how the object passes "fullName":"mh ali hasan"
i got lastname ="mh ali hasan" sounds like he doesn't recognize the spaces
Don't reinvent the wheel if you don't have to. Modify as needed to handle special characters or other circumstances.
[firstName, middleName, lastName] = DirPerson::splitNameParts("John Michael Smith");