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How to infer the type of an object of reducer-functions, so that the type will include the keys and the function results?

I have a object, that maps reducer names with their reducer functions:

const reducers = {
  clients: ClientsReducer,
  mails:   MailsReducer,
  users:   UsersReducer,
  // ...

The reducers type is:

interface Reducers {
  clients: (state: ClientsState, action: any) => ClientsState,
  mails:   (state: MailsState, action: any) => MailsState,
  users:   (state: UsersState, action: any) => UsersState,
  // ...

For my application, I need a slightly different type to select the state with useSelector.

The required type is:

interface RootState {
  clients: ClientsState;
  mails:   MailsState;
  users:   UsersState;
  // ...

// ...

const clients = useSelector((state: RootState) => state.clients);

Redux suggests to infer the type from the combineReducer result by doing:

type ReturnType<T extends (...args: any) => any> = T extends (...args: any) => infer R ? R : any;

const rootState = combineReducers({

type RootState = ReturnType<typeof rootState>;

This is not applicable to my situation, as my Store is created dynamically from different "modules". At this point, I have no access to the result of combineReducers.

The best I could do was:

type StateType<T extends Record<S, (...args: any) => any>, S extends string> = T extends Record<S, (...args: any) => infer R> ? Record<S, R> : any;

type RootState = StateType<typeof reducers, keyof typeof reducers>;

 * RootState = {
 *    clients: ClientsState | MailsState | UsersState;
 *    mails:   ClientsState | MailsState | UsersState;
 *    users:   ClientsState | MailsState | UsersState;
 * }

This is not quite right, as for each key there is a union of all states. I see that "S" is causing this, but I don't know how to eliminate/fix it.

Is there any way to infer the RootState from the reducers object, so that the type will include the keys (reducer names) and the function results (reducer states)?


  • You can use a mapped type to easily get each of the reducers' return types:

    type RootState = { [K in keyof Reducers]: ReturnType<Reducers[K]> };
