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Xcode 13.3 new error message with @MainActor

I updated today to Xcode 13.3 and now my code can't compile anymore.

I get two error messages. It seems there is a connection between the errors.

  1. First error:

    Property 'startAnimation' isolated to global actor 'MainActor' can not be mutated from a non-isolated context

    in this line

    kuzorra.delay(interval: 1.5) {startAnimation.toggle()
  2. Second error:

    Mutation of this property is only permitted within the actor

    in this line

    @State private var startAnimation = false

I don't really understand how to fix these errors. Any help or hints are welcome :-)

For better understanding my view:

struct AnimationView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var kuzorra: Kuzorra
    @AppStorage ("isSoundEnabled") var isSoundEnabled: Bool = true
    @State private var startAnimation = false
    var label: Bool
    var correctAnswer: String
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text(label ? "RICHTIG!" : "FALSCH!")
            if !label{ Text("Richtige Antwort: \(correctAnswer)")
            VStack(alignment: .trailing){
                Text(" - Weiter - ")
                    .padding(.bottom, 5)
        .opacity( startAnimation ? 1 : 0)
        .rotationEffect(.degrees(startAnimation ? 2880 : 0))
        .scaleEffect(startAnimation ? 2 : 1/32)
        .animation(Animation.easeOut.speed(1/4), value: startAnimation)
        .onTapGesture {
            kuzorra.currentPage = .page3
        .onAppear {
            if isSoundEnabled   {   AudioServicesPlayAlertSound(SystemSoundID(1320))
            kuzorra.delay(interval: 1.5) {startAnimation.toggle()

and here is the code for delay:

class Kuzorra: ObservableObject {


func delay(interval: TimeInterval, closure: @escaping () -> Void) {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + interval, execute: closure)

There I get the following error message:

Passing non-sendable parameter 'closure' to function expecting a @Sendable closure Parameter 'closure' is implicitly non-sendable.

After pressing fix button this error message disappears..


  • It is probably prudent to avoid using GCD’s asyncAfter within Swift concurrency codebase. So, rather than:

    .onAppear {
        if isSoundEnabled {
        kuzorra.delay(interval: 1.5) {

    Consider using the .task view modifier (which takes an async closure, and is also cancelable) and sleep(for:) (which, unlike traditional sleep API, does not block the thread):

    .task {
        if isSoundEnabled {
        try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1.5))
        if !Task.isCancelled {

    That achieves asyncAfter like behavior within Swift concurrency. Needless to say, you could also use do-try-catch pattern:

    .task {
        if isSoundEnabled {
        do {
            try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1.5))
        } catch {
            // print(error)

    If you use Task.sleep pattern, you either have to try? and then check isCancelled or try and catch the error.

    But the main point is to avoid asyncAfter in Swift concurrency.