In my book, Programming in C (fourth edition) by Stephen G. Kochan, I have a task to implement the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm as follows:
Display All Prime Numbers Between 1 and n = 150
2 <= i <= n.
set <sub>Pixj</sub> to 1.
Step 6: Add 1 to i and go to step 3.
I understand the broad concept but have a hard time understanding the steps in the algorithm and the purpose of each one.
In step 1, what is the purpose of setting all elements p[i] to 0? Wouldn't the array elements need to be from 0 to 150 starting out?
In step 4, does it mean that the multiples of i get the value 0 and if any other value than zero will be prime? Essentialy, it would convert all multiples of i to 0 (composite) and leave all prime numbers?
Step 5 has me confused all together, I'm not sure how to form a coherent question on this. What does a subscript like this mean Pixj? Also, the logic of step 4 does not make sense, I need something in more laymens terms if possible. (just a hint would be fine so I can get it myself)
FYI I am a beginner in learning the basics of computer science and programming so less cryptic responses will be appreciated! This exercise above is from Chapter 6: Arrays. Thank you!
I have not attempted in code yet, I need to understand the algorithmic steps first.
In step 1, what is the purpose of setting all elements p[i] to 0? Wouldn't the array elements need to be from 0 to 150 starting out?
The array P is used to record whether an integer is known to be non-prime. Each element Pi is initialized to zero to denote the fact that, initially, the algorithm does not know whether i is non-prime.
In step 4, does it mean that the multiples of i get the value 0 and if any other value than zero will be prime? [Essentially], it would convert all multiples of i to 0 (composite) and leave all prime numbers?
Step 4 is poorly stated. When step 4 is reached in the algorithm, sufficient work has been performed that, if Pi is zero, then i must be prime. In step 4, the algorithm is intended to report this fact by some means, such as writing i to standard output.
Step 5 has me confused all together, I'm not sure how to form a coherent question on this. What does a subscript like this mean Pixj? Also, the logic of step 4 does not make sense, I need something in more laymens terms if possible. (just a hint would be fine so I can get it myself)
“Pixj” means Pi×j. In step 5, the algorithm has an i and iterates through a loop on j. In each iteration of that loop, the code should calculate the product t = i×j and set Pt to 1, denoting the fact that t is known to be non-prime (because it is the product of i and j).