I'm trying to upgrade various servers across multiple environments. Upgrades need to be run sequentially. It would be better if i could use ansible dynamic inventories for this as some of the environments can contain 100's of servers.
The plan is to have the first Ansible Play discover the inventory items and, create the dynamic inventory for the particular environment, a second Ansible Play would then make use of the dynamic inventory and perform the required actions on these devices
Taking a small environment as an example, i've done some work and the final task of the first play is
- name: Create dynamic inventory by combining facts from previous tasks
name: "{{ item.fqdn }}"
groups: targets
with_items: "{{ server_details }}"
when: item.id == another.id
no_log: true
- name: Print the dynamic inventory
var: groups.targets
That gives me the following
ok: [mgmt-vip.us.acme.com] => {
"groups.targets": [
A second Play should then be able to use the above dynamic inventory
- name: Sequential tasks
hosts: targets
gather_facts: false
connection: local
serial: 1
- name: Print the dynamic inventory
msg: "{{item}}"
with_items: "{{targets}}"
- name: Ping Server if it is part of the dynamic inventory
name: ping
When i run the playbook, the Print the dynamic inventory task executes successfully but, the Sequential Tasks play is skipped with the message "skipping: no hosts matched".
I can't proceed with the actual upgrade tasks until i can at least access/ping the servers in the dynamic inventory
I identified the issue today when doing additional testing. To run my playbook, which contains two plays, i was calling ansible-playbook playbookname.yml -l some_servername it was the limit when calling the playbook that caused the second inventory (the dynamic one) to error.
To Reproduce the error: sample.json contains the list of Servers that was dynamically obtained
"servers": [
inventory is a list of my Management Servers, one for each environment and 100's of environments (reduced for demo)
password = "{{ authentication_data.p1_passphrase }}"
password = "{{ authentication_data.p2_passphrase }}"
password = "{{ authentication_data.p3_passphrase }}"
username = "admin"
dynamic_inv.yml is a playbook containing two plays.
- hosts: mgmt_servers
name: Read sample of servers from json and create dynamic inventory. Tasks happen for ALL inventory Servers
gather_facts: false
connection: local
json_var: "{{ lookup('file', './sample.json') | from_json }}"
- name: print contents of json_var
var: json_var
- name: Read json to get sample servers
msg: "Server names are {{item}}"
with_items: "{{json_var.servers}}"
- name: Create dynamic inventory from json_vars
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: sample_group
with_items: "{{ json_var.servers }}"
no_log: false
- name: Print the dynamic inventory
var: groups.sample_group
- hosts: sample_group
name: tasks iterate sequentially, one server at a time
gather_facts: false
connection: local
order: sorted
serial: 1
- name: Print something to show the flow of the playbook
debug: msg="This line is printed in the beginning for activity on each sample server in the inventory"
- name: Print the Server name
msg: "The Server name is {{inventory_hostname}}"
- name: Print another message
debug: msg="All 3x tasks completed for this inventory item, moving to the next inventory item"
REPRODUCING THE ISSUE: ansible-playbook testing/dynamic_inv.yml -i testing/inventory -l mgmt_server_02.us.acme.com produces
TASK [Print the dynamic inventory] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [mgmt_server_02.us.acme.com] => {
"groups.sample_group": [
PLAY [tasks iterate sequentially, one server at a time] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: no hosts matched
PLAY RECAP *********
i.e. The first play executes but the second fails.
PROBLEM: The first inventory file contains 100's of servers and i don't want to create a dynamic inventory for each one so, I must limit somehow.
SOLUTION: Change the initial hosts from being static to being a variable and pass an extra var when calling the playbook.
- hosts: "{{ upgrade }}"
name: Read sample of servers from json and create dynamic inventory. Tasks happen for ALL inventory Servers
gather_facts: false
connection: local
json_var: "{{ lookup('file', './sample.json') | from_json }}"
- name: print contents of json_var
var: json_var
- name: Read json to get sample servers
msg: "Server names are {{item}}"
with_items: "{{json_var.servers}}"
- name: Create dynamic inventory from json_vars
name: "{{ item }}"
groups: sample_group
with_items: "{{ json_var.servers }}"
no_log: false
- name: Print the dynamic inventory
var: groups.sample_group
- hosts: sample_group
name: tasks iterate sequentially, one server at a time
gather_facts: false
connection: local
order: sorted
serial: 1
- name: Print something to show the flow of the playbook
debug: msg="This line is printed in the beginning for activity on each sample server in the inventory"
- name: Print the Server name
msg: "The Server name is {{inventory_hostname}}"
- name: Print another message
debug: msg="All 3x tasks completed for this inventory item, moving to the next inventory item"
call the above with ansible-playbook testing/dynamic_inv.yml -i testing/inventory -e upgrade=mgmt_server_02.apac.acme.com
produces ... ...
TASK [Print the dynamic inventory] ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [mgmt_server_02.apac.acme.com] => {
"groups.sample_group": [
PLAY [tasks iterate sequentially, one server at a time] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Print something to show the flow of the playbook] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [server01.us.acme.com] => {
"msg": "This line is printed in the beginning for activity on each sample server in the inventory"
TASK [Print the Server name] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [server01.us.acme.com] => {
"msg": "The Server name is server01.us.acme.com"
TASK [Print another message] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [server01.us.acme.com] => {
"msg": "All 3x tasks completed for this inventory item, moving to the next inventory item"
PLAY [tasks iterate sequentially, one server at a time] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Print something to show the flow of the playbook] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [server02.us.acme.com] => {
"msg": "This line is printed in the beginning for activity on each sample server in the inventory"
TASK [Print the Server name] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [server02.us.acme.com] => {
"msg": "The Server name is server02.us.acme.com"
TASK [Print another message] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [server02.us.acme.com] => {
"msg": "All 3x tasks completed for this inventory item, moving to the next inventory item"
PLAY [tasks iterate sequentially, one server at a time] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
TASK [Print something to show the flow of the playbook] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [server03.us.acme.com] => {
"msg": "This line is printed in the beginning for activity on each sample server in the inventory"
... ...